The Morningstar Press
Armando Minutoli

The Author's first writing project was a non-fiction book about the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the small village of Medjugorje in then Yugoslavia, now Bosnia-Herzegovina. Titled: “Medjugorje, A Pilgrim’s Journey.” Originally published in 1991; with the forward and collaboration by Author, John Westermann (Exit Wounds). Because of popular demand it was re-released (Second Edition) in 2010. Also, the book is in the process of its Spanish language translation due for completion mid-2015.
He has just completed a novel “SCHISM, Something Is Amiss In Heaven Again!" A Spiritual Fantasy about an unheard of problem in Heaven. He has also written the screenplay adaptions for both “SCHISM” and “THE HESTER STREET KIDS.” In the past he has written articles for the National Catholic Register and articles about Marian apparitions for local Long Island, NY publications.
He was awarded a Bachelor of Science Social Welfare with a minor in psychology and a Master’s of Science in Clinical Social Work from Fordham University School of Social Service with emphasis on psycho-dynamic psychotherapy.